
Art Thieme

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Artist / Musician

Art Thieme has been called “America’s best loved troubadour” and for good reason. His songs, stories, bad jokes and puns have forever endeared him to audiences throughout Chicago and across the country. He has also become something of Chicago folk music historian via his personal “Mudcat” website filled with photos of virtually everyone who played or sang on the circuit during the hey-day of the folk music scene.

The museum suffered damage as the result of a microburst in downtown Joliet. The building did sustain some damage however we are extremely grateful that no one was injured during this tragedy. 

We are fortunate that Gigantar, our exhibit artifacts and the gift shop merchandise all escaped any damage. 

We are temporarily closed to the public as we work with our contractors through the cleanup process. 
Please stay tuned as we get back in the groove.