
Music Business


Class Type

  • In-Person
  • Online

Learn more about Music Business



Ten Week Music Business Lesson Plan
Helpful Material (optional): “All You Need to Know About the Music Business, Eighth Edition” by Donald S.Passman


  1. Introduce myself and allow students time to introduce themselves.
    – Get to know what each student’s wants to get out of this course and where they are at in their own music/music business journey
  2. The Many Sides of the Music Industry
    – What it means to be on the musician end and what it means to be on the business side
    – Options/ pros and cons of doing both
  3. Positions in the Industry
    – How to hire a team or be a part of one
    – Personal manager
    – Tour Manager
    – Attorney
    – Financial Advisor
    – Agency
    – Record Label
    – Musicians/Artists

The museum suffered damage as the result of a microburst in downtown Joliet. The building did sustain some damage however we are extremely grateful that no one was injured during this tragedy. 

We are fortunate that Gigantar, our exhibit artifacts and the gift shop merchandise all escaped any damage. 

We are temporarily closed to the public as we work with our contractors through the cleanup process. 
Please stay tuned as we get back in the groove.